Hiring Temps made easy for Dental/Hygiene offices!

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Note: We will call you on this number to verifiy identity.

Are you the owner of this clinic?

Phone number to reach outside of business hours

Note: You will get a 6-digit verification code this email address. You will need to provide the 6-digit code to verify your identity when we call at your clinic.

What is the best time to call at your clinic?


We will call at . If you wish to change this, please go back and edit your clinic’s number.

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Subscriptions Plan

  • $52 Per Shift Placed

    One Free Shift Per Month

    Unlimited Shift Postings

    Pay Upon Successful Shift Completion

    One Time Fee Per Shift Placed

  • Monthly Subscription

    Coming Soon

An email with 6-digit verification code is been sent at :


Fairly will call you on to verify your ownership. Please provide the 6-digit confirmation code on the call to get your account verified.

For instant verification, please call us on our toll free line : 780-239-2735 from .